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RHEUMATISM, NOW WHAT? Rheumatism: click ads for support what is rheumatism: Rheumatism is the collective name for more than a hundred or two hundred different diseases to the musculoskeletal system: the joints and surrounding tissues. If you have then you have rheumatism often suffer from a lot of pain and stiffness caused by inflammation or overloading of the joints. Reumapatienten are often limited in their daily actions. In the Netherlands alone there are 400,000 people participating in a form of inflammatory rheumatism sufferers. The goal is to provide patients and their environment to inform rheumatism, the treatment methods and the consequences. Includes the understanding of the patient and the environment for the disease, which is the treatment of a patient can promote. More than 1.5 million People (about 1 in 10) have long-standing rheumatic complaints. Of most forms of rheumatism is the cause not yet known. The disorder is not (yet) to be cured, but often have to handle with therapies or medications, or with both. Anyone can get rheumatism-age, lifestyle or sex plays no role. As one of the following complaints are persistently or repeatedly occur, it is wise to consult your family doctor:-swelling of one or more joints-pain in muscles and joints-pain and stiffness when in motion. The prognosis is dependent on certain factors: the presence of rheumatoid factor in the blood, certain hereditary factors (HLA-DR4) and the presence of that affects bones. (boterosie) at the start of the disease. Some patients have only light attacks, where they have little or no limitations to the nitty-gritty. In some patients (less than 10%) arises ' remission ', i.e. that there is no disease activity more. However, in most patients, the disease is more aggressive and has a chronic progressive disease course (worse) and periods with few complaints alternating with periods of intense inflammation. Rheumatism medications: there are different types of medications that are prescribed to patients with rheumatism. Sometimes delivers a combination of medications the best results on. remember, it may take the best combination for you is found. Medicines for rheumatism sufferers are divide into three groups: this is a list of chemotherapeutic agents Methotrexate. It inhibits cell division and works ontstekingremmend. The operation begins after about 4 to 12 weeks. The Center has a favourable effect on psoriasis and arthritis in the joints, there is less result at arthritis in the spine and hardly works at enthesitiden. This drug can lead to serious side effects, such as liver damage, shortage of blood cells, hair loss, shortness of breath, coughing, sores in the mouth. The Center can not be combined with antibiotics are prescribed. Through the many side effects that this medication kent, there should be regular blood tests to take place and there will be after a few years a leverbioptie be carried out. Swallowing folic acid can be a part of the side effects. MTX is in tablet form or as injection and 1 x per week must be ingested. Brand name: Ledertrexate (tablet) and Emthexate (injection). Sulfa saline this remedy was originally intended for bowel diseases and can lead to anemia and hepatic disorders. The operation begins after about 4 to 12 weeks. This drug has a small effect on psoriasis and a small effect on arthritis and does not work with enthesitiden. Brand Name: Salazopyrine. How does Pantozol 40? Pantozol 40 is a medicine for the treatment